New Bylaws, Ways to Donate

Board Actions

Two years ago, we elected a new board. However, they discovered that taking office required a wholesale reworking of the club’s bylaws. Now, legally, the club is a member organization.

We have new, membership-oriented bylaws, thanks to the pro bono help of Crowell & Moring LLP. The board members elected two years ago are now in office.

The new board met in May for the first time and unanimously adopted three rules:

  • They adopted the new bylaws for 90 days. 
  • Defined a HACDC ARC member as any licensed amateur who paid $5 in the next 60 days. Grandfathered in as a member, anyone who paid $15 monthly for remote station access.
  • Called for an Annual Membership Meeting in 90 days.

The board made these three rules take effect when posted on the club’s website. 

The board took these actions to give the members time to review the bylaws before the Annual Meeting. It adopted the $5 membership rule to build the broadest base.

Needless to say, the club is for hams in the DMV or nearby mid-Atlantic states, such as West Virginia or Delaware.

The new rules are now, on June 27, 2024, in effect.

How to Use PayPal Donate

When you click on Donate, you’ll see this dropdown:

Click the Down Carat

You’ll see four choices:

Click the one you want

Add Your Call

PayPal Donate doesn’t Have a place to add your call, but it’s important. When you put in a comment type a comma and add your call. Like this:

I’m happy to support HACDC, W1AW


HACDC Amateur Radio Club is a tax-exempt organization under
IRS Sec. 501 (c) (3). Donations, except to Project Malawi, are tax-deductible.